Tricks to Increase your productivity

Sun Nov 13 00:00:00 UTC 2022

Is anybody faced a scenario where they found it’s efficient to automate the code generation so that eliminate monotonous work, here are a few scenarios I faced and how few tricks helped me to increase the productivity

  1. Creating Database domain class from Schema, most of the time the database columns will be in snake case (eg: COLUMN_NAME), it will be error prone to create domain object of Table which have more than 20 columns manually. There are tools available in Hibernate and other ORM frame work to do it, but if don’t want to use it please use the following snippet.

public static void printSnakeListToJavaVar(List<String> snakeList) {
for (String columnName : snakeList) {
columnName = columnName.trim();
System.out.println("@Column(name=\"" + columnName + "\")");
System.out.println("String " + snakeToJavaVar(columnName.toLowerCase()) + ";");

 public static String snakeToJavaVar(String str) {
        // Capitalize first letter of string
        str = str.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase()
                + str.substring(1);

        // Run a loop till string
        return capitalizeFirstCharAfterDelimiter(str, "_");
private static String capitalizeFirstCharAfterDelimiter(String str, String deLimiter) {
        // string contains delimiter
        while (str.matches(".*" + deLimiter + ".*")) {

            str = str.replaceFirst(
                    deLimiter + "[a-z]",
                                            str.indexOf(deLimiter) + 1))));

        return str;
  1. Schema from Domain object like in the first example there might situations a dev will be encountering to create a schema from domain object, the following code snippet will be helpful in this scenario

public static String camelToSnake(String str) {
        String result = "";
        char c = str.charAt(0);
        result = result + Character.toLowerCase(c);
        for (int i = 1; i < str.length(); i++) {

            char ch = str.charAt(i);
            if (Character.isUpperCase(ch)) {
                result = result + '_';
                        = result
                        + Character.toLowerCase(ch);
            }else {
                result = result + ch;

        return result;
  1. Delimited String to Upper Camel Case this is used when situation when dev has to Transform a String or set of String’s which are Saved in ERP,DB etc. to a String presentable in UI

CaseConvertor.stringToUpperCamelIncludeDelimiter("12 DAYS"," ")
public static String stringToUpperCamelIncludeDelimiter(String str, String delimiter) {

    public static String capitalize(String str) {
        if (str == null || str.length() <= 1) return str;
        return str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);

Enhanced Dynamo DB and Integration Test Using Dynamo Local

Sun Oct 16 00:00:00 UTC 2022

AWS Released new Enhanced Dynamo Client Enhanced Dynamo Client which helps Java developers to easily Implement DAO Implementation without writing the mapping logic and AWS provides Downloadable DynamoDb which helps developers to do the Integration testing with Dynamo DB without connecting to the Cloud.

This post explains how to Implement a generic DynamoDBService Class using Enhanced Dynamo Client and Write Unit/Integration Test Cases using Downloadable DynamoDb

The full source code can be found under following repo

I have used following links and github repos to build this example


  1. Java > 11

  2. Gradle > 5

Setting Enhanced Client in Gradle

To set up enhanced Client in Gradle following dependecies needs to be added

    implementation 'com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-dynamodb:1.11.434'
    implementation ''
    implementation ''

Setting up DynamoDb Local

Aws documentation provides steps to setting up maven build but Gradle setting up is not provided by AWS and this library is not available central maven repo, so users needs to set up aws maven repo for setting DynamoDb Local

repositories {
    maven {
         url ""

following dependency will add DynamoDbLocal to the gradle project

testImplementation group: 'com.amazonaws', name: 'DynamoDBLocal', version: '1.11.119'

you can find more info about the set up in . As a part of test setup copy AwsDynamoDbLocalTestUtils and call AwsDynamoDbLocalTestUtils#initSqLite() during setup function of JUnit Test class

DynamoDb Domain POJO

This class is POJO representation of Dynamo DB schema, I have used lombok to avoid boiler plating of Getter and Setter methods, @DynamoDbBean represents dynamo db structure and @DynamoDbPartitionKey represents primary key id

public class Student {
    private String studentId;
    private String studentName;
    private String department;
    public String getStudentId() {
        return studentId;

DynamoDb Service Implementation

This class has full DAO implementation

  1. CreateTable

  2. Insert/Update Item based on partitions key

  3. Get Item by Id

Setting Up JUnit Test class

During the startup JUnit will spin up a local dynamo DB instance and following code shows how to establish DynamoClient connectivity to local instance

private static final String TABLE_NAME = "Student";
private static  DynamoDBProxyServer server;
private static final String port = "8000";
private static final String uri = "http://localhost:"+port;

    public void setUpTest() throws Exception {
        'AwsDynamoDbLocalTestUtils copied from the github repo as explained earlier'
        'This line will spin up local instance on 8080 port'
        server = ServerRunner.createServerFromCommandLineArgs(
                new String[]{"-inMemory", "-port", port});
                .region(Region.AF_SOUTH_1)'Any region should work '


Building your personal blog with JBake and GitHub Pages

Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022

This post explains steps to generate and deploy personal blog site



JBake is a Java based, open source, static site/blog generator founded by Jonathan Bullock for developers & designers ( .The main highlights of JBake are

  • Open Source - Source available on GitHub, licensed under MIT License

  • Cross platform support - The binary distribution runs on Windows, Unix/Linux and Mac OS X.

  • Content Formats - Supports AsciiDoc, Markdown and good old HTML formatted content.

  • Open Structure - Structure your content any way you see fit.

  • Blog Aware - RSS/Atom feed, archive and tag support.

  • Draft support - View your draft content before publishing it and making it available to the world.

  • Self contained - Binary distribution contains everything you need apart from a JRE, no complicated environment setup with 3rd party dependencies.

  • Build tools - Plugins available for Gradle, Maven, mill, SBuild and sbt.

  • Template Support - Freemarker, Groovy, Thymeleaf, Jade and Pebble based templates & scripting support.

  • CSS Framework Support - Easily integrate CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation.

  • Custom Metadata - Add as much metadata to content as you like, also exposed to templates.

  • Storage Support - Store your site content in Dropbox, CVS, SVN, Git or whatever you want.


In this post I used Gradle to build the static content and deploy the website using Github actions

GitHub Pages

GitHub pages ( is a hosting service provided GitHub which help GitHub users to their website directly from github repo .

GitHub Action

GitHub action is a CI/CD service provided by GitHub

Steps for Setting up your Blog

  1. Setup the GitHub Repository

    • login to github and create new public repository

      Create Public Repository

    • clone the repo into your local either by using IDE’s or command line

      git clone
  2. Setup JBake using gradle

    • add build.gradle and include JBake gradle plugin as shown below

      buildscript {
          repositories {
          dependencies {
              classpath  'commons-configuration:commons-configuration:1.10'
      plugins {
          id '' version '5.5.0'
      bakeInit {
          template = 'freemarker'

      this plugin has capability of downloading the template to your source folder from a url or a pre-defined teamplate available in JBake GitHub Repo for more information please check

    • Execute Gradle JBake Init command

      gradle bakeInit

      This will generate the following folder structure with template source code

      New Folder Structure

      if you want know more details about the folders inside directory please refer

    • Execute bake step

      bake step will transform the source contents in different format like .md,adoc etc to pure html ,bake step can be triggered using following gradle command

      gradle bake

      Once it’s successfully executed the static content will be generated under build folder

      build Folder Structure

    • Running web server from your local environment

      run following gradle command to start the webserver, the server will be running on 8080 port by default

      gradle bakePreview --no-daemon

      Local Blog

  3. Setup GitHub Action

    This section describes how to run gradle bake command once the code pushed to the master branch and in this example we have set up a separate branch to host git hub page so last step of build execution is to copy the gnerated files into the specified branch

    • Make sure you have all permission to run the GitHub action

    • create a new branch(gh-pages) from where the git hub page will be served in future steps

    • create .git/workflow folder and create yaml/yml file build file and copy paste the following code and check-in/push the repository into github(Make sure your committing tha gradle folder and gradle related file in the root folder )

      name: Jbake-WorkFlow
        # Trigger the workflow on push or pull request,
        # but only for the main branch
            - master
          runs-on: ubuntu-latest
              uses: actions/checkout@v2
              name: "Set up JDK 11 "
              uses: actions/setup-java@v2
                distribution: adopt
                java-version: "11"
              name: "Validate Gradle wrapper"
              uses: gradle/wrapper-validation-action@e6e38bacfdf1a337459f332974bb2327a31aaf4b
            - name: Make gradlew executable
              run: chmod +x ./gradlew
              name: "Build with Gradle"
              run: "./gradlew bake"
              name: Deploy
              uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@4.1.7
                BRANCH: gh-pages
                FOLDER: build/jbake
    • after pushing the code build will kick start in the action section and generated file will be copied to a new branch (gh-pages in this example,please check deploy stage in yaml file)

      action Blog

      GH Pages

      Source Code is available in

  4. Setup GitHub Page

    • Navigate to repository settings and select the branch from which the website is being server from (gh-page in our example) and save the settings

      Page Settings

    • Page is successfully hosted on the url as in the GitHub Page settings

Older posts are available in the archive.